
Practice Extravagant Generosity

One of the Five Practices of Fruitful followers of Jesus is extravagant generosity. As we explore what it means to give back to God, of what we have so richly been blessed, we find that giving is not only an act of obedience, but an act of worship.  Tithing is not about finances, it is about faith. When we tithe, two things happen; provision comes into the House of God to help fulfill the mission of the church that Jesus has called us to (Matthew 28:19). God’s blessings continue to pour out upon His obedient people. (Malachi 3:10)

We invite you to set up your regular giving through the (button etc. below)… Or you can mail you gift to: First Methodist Church Clewiston, 352 W Arcade Avenue, Clewiston, FL 33440. We have committed ourselves to being good stewards of what God provides. Please pray for us and let us know how we can pray for you. God bless you!

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