Youth at FMCC
We design our ongoing gatherings, specific ministries, and events throughout the year to accomplish this mission, vision, and faith journey. It is our hope to equip your student and family to continue becoming a deeply committed Christian.
We want to come beside your family on this faith journey together here at First Methodist Church Clewiston, supporting, guiding, and challenging you to commit to worship together as a family and growing as a disciple through Limitless Youth Ministry!
On Sunday nights from 6 to 8 pm we invite the youth of Clewiston to the Life Enrichment Center on our campus to the Limitless Youth Event. We have food, fellowship, faith and lots of fun together. We’re planning lock-ins, road trips and other events for 2016. If you would like to volunteer to serve with our youth and are over 21 years of age, or for more information please contact us.