Message from Pastor Jonathan October 2023

Dear Family of God,

For our Powerlines, let me share an email (+below+). This is a call to prayer that was recently sent out to all our Florida Global Methodist Churches from the Rev. Mike Hudson, Lead Pastor at Christ Venice Church. He is inviting us to partner with our new Florida GMC Prayer Network. As the Holy Spirit leads, let’s get a group together in this prayer movement; we will experience more of the Glory of God in all our meetings together. All power belongs to the Lord Jesus;
His blessings will pour out on us and through us as we pray!

Pastor Jonathan

Dear Prayer Network,
Thank you for responding to our call to prayer! It is the desire of the GMC to be a movement of the Holy Spirit and not an institution. Having every church be a house of prayer is how this happens and you are playing a big part in it! Thank you!
You are encouraged to get a group together weekly and lift up the GMC and specific items to the Lord. Once a month we will have a zoom prayer meeting to check in with each other and pray. Our first zoom meeting will be Monday, Sept 25th at 8pm. . . .
Here are the requests for prayer from the Florida Provisional Conference Leadership:

  1. That we would work hard to stay a movement and not be an institution.
  2. For the Cabinet to have wisdom and discernment to appoint the right pastors to churches so there is a good fit.
  3. For churches disaffiliating on December 2nd not to have any obstacles. There are 70+!
  4. For weary churches and pastors to be refreshed and empowered to share the Gospel.
    Here are other items that need our prayers:
  5. New church starts for the FL GMC
  6. The first Annual Conference, January 18-20 (at Living Hope Church; Clermont)
  7. For more churches to become houses of prayer.
  8. For the lost in our area to be saved.
  9. For more holiness of heart and life in our churches.
  10. For more power for preachers to proclaim the Word of God faithfully.
  11. For more of Jesus in each of us!
    Thank you for your faithfulness… Please feel free to share this with others.
    In Christ,
    Pastor Mike Hudson
    (To find out more, email: [email protected] website: )
    First Methodist Church of Clewiston
    First Methodist Church of Clewiston
    October, 2023

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