Precepts Bible Study Class
September - March
Precepts Bible Study class is located at the LEC Building in the Trinity room every Thursday at 9:30 am, 4:00 pm, or 6:45 pm (with the exception of holidays). Precepts Bible Study is a non-denominational bible study open to everyone and participants are men and women from various local churches.
The same lesson is taught at all three sessions allowing flexibility with your schedule.
The Precepts Bible Study is unique in that it uses the Inductive method. What is the Inductive method? It is an approach that asks three questions:
What does the Bible passage say? (Observation).
What does it mean?(Interpretation).
What does it mean for my life? (Application).
This method is excellent for discipleship and for gaining fresh insight into the Word of God.
Bibles & Beer
Bibles & Beer is for people who want to openly discuss life, faith and the Bible while enjoying a little libation.
Bibles & Beer meets the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Locations, discussion topics and study leaders vary each month. Locations are announced via the preceding Sunday’s bulletin and Sanctuary TV monitors.
Bring your own beverage*, Bible and a snack to share.
Don’t have a Bible? Don’t worry. Bring your smart phone, e-reader or tablet and we’ll help you download a Bible app for easy reading.
Only Three Rules
- You’ve gotta be at least 21 years old
- Respect each other
- Drink responsibly
Interested? Contact John Wellslager for information – [email protected] or 863-228-1724
*Beer, wine, soda, juice, water, etc.